New Beekeeper Services

By Renata Borba, Tech Transfer Program Lead, ABC The Alberta Beekeepers Commission recently launched two new service offerings as part of the Technology Transfer Program (TTP). These tailor-made services have been specifically designed to support the needs of commercial beekeepers in Alberta and provide valuable monitoring, testing, and evaluation of pests and pathogens in your...

European Foulbrood

By the Agriculture and Forestry Bee Health Assurance Team Background European foulbrood (Melissococcus plutonius) is a brood disease of honey bees, with near global distribution. In Alberta, European foulbrood (EFB) is listed as a bee disease under the Alberta Bee Regulation. Typically, symptoms of EFB ariseearly in the season, and spontaneously resolve with a strong...

American Foulbrood (Part 2 of 2)

Part 2 of AMERICAN FOULBROOD by Dr. Meghan Milbrath Diagnosis of AFB: Laboratory analysis AFB spores can be characterized through microscopic identification, culture, or molecular techniques. For more information on laboratory diagnosis of AFB, read Diagnosis of American Foulbrood in honey bees: a synthesis and proposed analytical protocols ( download/28123/PDF), and the COLOSS standards for American...