2024 ABC AGM Conference & Trade Show
Join us November 18 – 20, 2024, for the annual ABC AGM Conference & Trade Show event!
The annual ABC AGM, Conference and Trade Show is viewed as one of the top beekeeping industry events in Canada, providing beekeepers with the perfect opportunity to learn the latest in honey bee health research, best management practices, innovation, updates to industry regulations, honey market trends, and connect with friends, suppliers, and industry.
The theme for this year’s conference is ‘Bee 2 Bee – Sharing Practical Knowledge and Expertise, Beekeeper to Beekeeper’ and we’re pleased to present an engaging line-up of speakers and presenters who will address key topics including:
- Latest in honey bee health research
- Pesticides, bees and honey
- Measuring the economic threshold of your beekeeping operation
- Forage & bee nutrition: Impacts of changing environmental conditions and bee nutrition
- Plastic waste in the beekeeping industry
- Sustainable agriculture: evolving trends & consumer behaviors
- Navigating changing labor and employment requirements
- Business Risk Management programs

Thank you to this year’s generous sponsors!
Drones Hockey Sponsor
 | Gold Sponsor
 | Beekeeper of the Year Award Sponsor
 | Lanyard Sponsor
Coffee Break Sponsor
 | Gold & President's Banquet Sponsor
 | Gold & Coffee Break Sponsor
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