2023 Resolution

Establishing a Canadian Honey Promotion and Research Agency



  • Whereas Farm Products Council of Canada approached the Canadian Honey Council to discuss establishing a Honey Promotion and Research Agency (PRA)
  • Whereas A Honey PRA could provide stable funding source for its activities through the collection of levies on both domestic and imported honey, the Agency will help honey producers and packers expand their markets and increase sales.
  • Whereas Consumers will benefit also from increased access to information on honey and other products which utilize honey, including their quality, medicinal benefits and their nutritional value


The Alberta Beekeepers Commission participate in the development of a Canadian Honey Promotion and Research Agency


Farm Products Council Canada (FPCC) approached the Canadian Honey Council to discuss establishing a Promotion and Research Agency (PRA). The FPCC works on behalf of the Government of Canada to help ensure all Canadians have affordable and continuous access to the foods they need while maintaining fair market prices for farmers. The Current mission of the FPCC includes facilitating the establishment of PRAs where there is producer support to do so. The PRA would be funded by a levy placed on both domestic and imported honey
Key to expanding markets and incomes for agricultural producer groups:

  • Producers and importers of a farm product collectively support consumer, product and process research and promote marketing and consumer awareness
  • A levy can be collected on domestic, export and import sales of the product to provide funds for the PRA’s activities.
  • Activities can be national, regional or provincial
  • PRA funds projects that can be complemented by funds from federal and provincial government programs

In order to establish a PRA every province must participate. Currently there are two PRAs/producer check off agencies: Canadian Beef Check off Agency and Canadian Pork Promotion and Research Agency. There is a third under development within the Hemp industry.

Name of producer submitting resolution: Jeremy Olthof

Name of person seconding resolution: Ron Greidanus